
01 December, 2019




Make your own nature printed tumbler and plate in this festive taster session with potter, Katie Rose Johnston, of M A N I F E...

Learn how to make your own nature printed tumbler and plate in a relaxing, family-friendly workshop led by potter Katie Rose Johnston.

During the class, you will learn how to work with stoneware clay and experiment with texture using a selection of locally foraged plants, leaves and flowers. Your beautiful objects will be fired, glazed and returned to your home ready for the festive season!

This class is suitable for all ages and abilities and aims to provide a playful introduction to clay.

You are more than welcome to bring along your own selection of plants, leaves or flowers to print with and a variety of beautiful treasures can be found in Glasgow’s many parks at this time of year.

Glazing and firing costs are included in the cost of the class. Your decorations will be glazed with a delicious, creamy glaze which will highlight your beautiful prints. Your decorations will be ready to collect by mid-December from Custom Lane.

M A N I F E S T O is a Glasgow based ceramics studio founded by potter Katie Rose Johnston. After graduating from the Glasgow School of Art with a First Class BA (Hons) in Sculpture, Katie specialises in creating functional artworks for the home that are contemporary, high-quality and affordable.​

Custom Lane thank Innis & Gunn for their generous support of Trading Post