
1625 June, 2023

HerCollective present an exhibition showing individual representations of queer and feminine (femme) space in collaboration with Femmergy

Unseen At Night demonstrates the opportunities of queer, feminine and femme* night spaces that encompass the principles upon which queer communities are centred, facilitating a collaboration of queer and femme designers within Scotland to do so. The project initiates dialogue on what inclusive, safe and accessible queer, feminine and femme spaces can be through a collaboration with Femmergy, a queer femme club night in Edinburgh.

The exhibition will be accompanied by some live DJing from the Femmergy resident DJs on Saturday and Sunday.

Featured Artists: Amelia Powell + Kirsty Watt / Anita Dora / Annafleur Broekman / Angharad Franziska / Celeste John-Wood / Ellie Burroughs / Ellie Jane Walden / Elsie Powell / Megan Le Brocq / Nor Greenhalgh / Ot Pascoe / Sophie Henderson

Preview | Thursday 15th June 2023 | 6pm-8pm

*Note: Femme is used to express any gender identity that has an awareness of femininity and feminine experiences.

SAFE SPACES…? by Ellie Burroughs

Screetscapes of Joy by Amelia Powell and Kirsty Watt